Friday, August 30, 2013

A little intro...

Hey hey hey!

Welcome to our little place on the web. I already have a professional blog (which I rarely I have time to update) So I doubt that I will be 'Johnny on the spot' with this one --- but I will try. My reasoning behind the new blog:

I love fast food as much as the next girl, but I don't want my children to become a statistic. Obesity rates are craaaazzyyyy and I would like to give them the best possible nutrition while I am the one picking for them.

Me, personally --- I'm a super finicky eater (to the point that I annoy myself), and after having Blakely Anne, my current food allergies decided to peak, while others decided to introduce themselves. I have always known that I was allergic to fish, I suspected beef (though I had not eaten it since I was about 3 --- the last time I ate it was "traumatic" enough for me to remember) --- and that is where I thought it stopped. I had eaten peanuts a couple of times as a teenager, but had always eaten peanut butter sandwiches. Let's fast forward to now: I can't TOUCH peanut butter or peanuts without breaking out. If I go out to eat, I have to be sure to tell them not to even let my chicken touch a grill that fish has been on. (Made that mistake before!) Anyway, I do have some challenges when picking food for my children, some I will not eat, some I cannot eat --- but I am DETERMINED to introduce them to as much variety as possible, I think I'm doing pretty well so far, considering that lately, my little 3 year old has began ordering SALAD when out to eat. ---- Unheard of, right?? Especially when myself nor Blake order salads! (I did try it during my last pregnancy though!)
Okay, on with it now...

I'm not a health freak. Fast food IS tasty and convenient --- and I can throw back 10 Chicken McNuggets with no regrets...  but REAL, healthy, unprocessed foods are just as tasty and often convenient --- sometimes all you need is a litttttttllllleeeeee bit of knowledge and some preparation!  SO... I'm creating this page to document our journey, what we learn, and how we will do it. Now, I'm not saying we are cutting out fast foods --- we are just going to be making more awesome lunches for our little girl for school ;)

Be sure to follow me and motivate me to post more haha!

Much Love,

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